Tips for Building a Daily Meditation Practice

Starting a daily meditation routine is a bit like learning a new skill or forming a new habit. Just as regular practice is crucial for success in those areas, it's equally important for meditation. Sadie Bingham, an expert in anxiety and an experienced meditator, says daily meditation helps you build a habit, even though you might not see immediate benefits. To truly experience the positive effects, you need to meditate daily (or almost daily).

Beginning a daily meditation practice can be tough, but it gets easier as you notice its many benefits. If you're not sure whether you can make meditation a part of your life, don't worry – it's definitely doable. Following these seven tips for success can guide you along the way.

Start small

When starting meditation, it's best to begin small. You don't have to jump into daily 30-minute sessions right away. For beginners, try five minutes of guided meditation three times a week. As you get used to it, you can gradually increase the time. At the start, you might not feel super mindful or relaxed, and that's okay. Just aim to spend five minutes with your thoughts, no pressure. Over time, you'll naturally feel the urge to meditate. Even if you never reach 30 minutes a day, don't worry; meditating for just 10 or 15 minutes daily can still bring great benefits.

Find the right time

Discovering the right time for meditation is a personal journey. Forget about what others say is ideal; focus on a time that fits your schedule and life. Trying to meditate at the wrong time can lead to frustration. Instead, try different times – it could be morning, bedtime, during your commute, or a work break. Find what suits you and stick with it consistently. This way, meditation becomes a natural part of your daily routine, supporting your well-being.

Get comfortable

Getting comfortable is crucial for effective meditation. While you may have seen images of people meditating in the lotus position, it's essential to understand that this pose isn't comfortable or suitable for everyone. The good news is that you don't need to force yourself into a specific position to meditate successfully. Instead, find a comfortable position that feels easy and natural for you. Whether it's sitting in a chair or lying down, both are perfectly fine. The key is to choose a posture that allows you to relax and focus on your meditation without physical discomfort.

Try a meditation app or podcast

If you're not sure how to start meditating, your smartphone can be a handy helper. There are apps for almost everything these days, including meditation. These apps offer guided meditations for different situations, relaxing sounds, breathing exercises, podcasts, and helpful tools. They can even track your progress and adjust your meditation based on your mood. Some popular ones are Calm, Headspace, and Ten Percent Happier. So, if you want to give meditation a try, check out one of these apps or look for meditation podcasts. They're easy to use and a great way to get started with meditation.

Keep at it

Building a meditation habit takes time, so don't get discouraged if it doesn't click right away. Instead of giving up, approach any challenges with an open and curious mind. The difficulties

What you face during meditation can actually help you improve. Learning to be accepting and curious in meditation can also make it easier to apply these feelings in your daily life. This means you can become more aware regularly.

Think of it like this: if you start meditating when you're anxious or upset, you might feel a bit better. But if you keep meditating regularly, you'll find it easier to manage stress before it becomes overwhelming. So, be patient and keep at it – the benefits will come with time and practice.

Know when it’s not working

Meditation benefits may not show up right away, and that's okay. Even if you've been meditating for some time, your mind may wander from time to time, and that's alright. It doesn't mean you're failing at meditation. In fact, when you notice your mind wandering, it's a sign that you're becoming more aware. Just gently bring your focus back when that happens. With regular practice, you'll gradually start experiencing the benefits over time. So, don't feel disheartened if you don't see instant results. Meditation is a step-by-step journey, and you'll succeed with patience and persistence.

Get started

Ready to give daily meditation a try? Here's an easy meditation to start with:

1. Find a comfy spot to relax.

2. Set a timer for 3 to 5 minutes.

3. Focus on your breath. Feel each inhale and exhale. Breathe naturally and deeply.

4. When your thoughts wander, notice them, let them go, and return to your breath. It's okay if this happens repeatedly.

5. When the time's up, open your eyes. Pay attention to your surroundings, body, and feelings. You might feel different, or maybe not. But with time, you'll likely become more mindful of your experiences and the world around you. These feelings stay with you even after you're done meditating.

Buddy up

Having a friend join you in meditation can be really helpful. You don't need to meditate at the same time, but having someone who's also trying to make meditation a habit can boost your commitment. You can share your experiences, talk about any challenges, and celebrate your progress together. It's a great way to stay motivated and make meditation a positive shared activity. So, think about buddying up with a friend for your meditation journey.


Meditation doesn't have a one-size-fits-all approach. The best way to meditate is the way that feels right for you. So, try different methods until you find what works. 

As you begin to feel more compassion, peace, joy, and acceptance in your life, you'll know that meditation is working. But remember, these benefits may take time to show up. Stay patient, stay curious, and keep an open mind, and you'll find success on your meditation journey.

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