10 Ways to Make Meditation Easier and Successful


Sticking to a regular meditation routine can be tough. Daily life is demanding, and finding time to sit down for meditation can feel impossible. When you finally settle in, nature calls, you realize you haven't eaten, or a curious cat hops on your lap, making it hard to focus.

On one hand, maintaining a meditation practice in today's fast-paced world can seem counterintuitive. But that's precisely what meditation is for. Its purpose is to teach us how to accept our current situation as it is, without needing the perfect setup or timing. In fact, practicing meditation when life is hectic can be the most rewarding.

I used to struggle with feeling like I was meditating "wrong" when my mind wouldn't quiet down. Sometimes, I'd end up more frustrated than when I began. It took a while to understand that there's no one right way to meditate. Then it finally hit me that however I show up for meditation is the right way. Meditation is simply about being present with what is, regardless of the chaos around us.

Meditation might seem tough, but with a bit of consistency and patience, it can become a regular, rewarding habit. You don't need fancy tools or special skills, but it can be challenging. Keeping your mind on track when it drifts isn't a walk in the park, but there are ways to simplify the process. 

1. Manage Distractions: When you meditate, various distractions can pop up. Learn to handle them to stay focused.

2. Thoughts and Feelings: Intrusive thoughts might come up, stirring emotions and taking your focus away from meditation.

3. Worries and Anxieties: Sometimes, worries and anxieties take over your mind during meditation.

4. External Interruptions: Noises, smells, or physical sensations can disrupt your concentration.

However, you can learn to deal with these distractions, allowing you to meditate more peacefully and effectively.

Here are nine tips to make meditation easier and more successful.

1. Make Peace with Your Mind

Before you start meditating, remind yourself that thoughts and problems can wait until you're done. Say it a few times firmly, so you remember when distractions come up. Let your mind know that no matter how urgent a thought may seem, it can wait until you're finished meditating. This will help you stay peaceful and not get bothered by those thoughts during meditation.

2. Have a meditation zone  

It's great to have a dedicated meditation spot. Going back to the same place daily helps your brain remember the habit. Plus, you can make this spot comfy and inviting. It doesn't need to be big or fancy. Just a blanket, some pillows, and nice lighting can create a cozy corner that welcomes you every day.

3. Try to Meditate at the Same Time of the Day

Trying to meditate at the same time every day can make your meditation practice much smoother. When you establish a consistent meditation schedule, your mind gets used to it and will require less effort to get into the right mindset. Whether it's early morning or evening, sticking to a specific time that suits your routine can help create a meditation habit that feels more natural. You can choose a time that works best for you, as long as it's a convenient and regular part of your day. This way, meditation can become an integral and peaceful part of your daily life.

4. Meditate at the Same Place

Find a quiet place for meditation, whether it's a special room, a cozy corner, your office, or even a garden. Meditating in the same spot helps your mind connect that place with meditation. This makes it simpler to meditate when you're there.

5. Don’t Eat before Meditating

After you eat, your body's focus shifts to digestion, which can make you feel sleepy, especially after a heavy meal. If you're very hungry, that can also disrupt your concentration. To avoid this, have a light snack like fruit, bread, or a drink a little while before you meditate. This can help keep you alert and focused during your meditation session.


There's a common misunderstanding about meditation that can make us unhappy with our practice. We might think we should feel totally blissful every time we meditate.

But in reality, aiming for constant bliss can be challenging. It sets up expectations, and we end up judging our experience. Meditation is best approached without expectations. When we meditate sincerely but without demanding a specific outcome, we can accept whatever happens without trying to force it. This helps us embrace meditation as it is, rather than how we think it should be.


I enjoy a nice cup of tea after my meditation timer goes off. It's a small reward for keeping up with my practice. If you and a friend are both trying to meditate regularly, you can turn it into a fun challenge. Check in with each other and set rewards for reaching your meditation goals. For example, after 30 days of daily meditation, treat yourself to that special meditation cushion you've been wanting. It makes meditation more enjoyable and like a little game.


One of my favorite ways to meditate is by focusing on the breath. When you breathe in and out, pay attention to the sensations in your body. Feel the air as it flows through your nose, down your throat, and into your lungs, expanding your chest. Notice how the breath moves your diaphragm and then your belly. The process reverses as you exhale. When you really pay attention, it can be almost like a soothing rhythm.

9.Keep a Positive Attitude

Having a positive attitude can help you overcome challenges and distractions. It keeps you calm and focused, improving your meditation.These are some simple tips to make your meditation better and more focused.

For more on this topic, check out the meditation articles on this website.To learn how to quiet your mind and enhance your meditation, read our book, "Calm Down the Nonstop Chatter of Your Mind.


Your brain is super active, with millions of thoughts zipping around all day. Just like your heart and lungs work to keep you alive, your mind thinks, plans, and worries. This is all part of your survival toolkit. Instead of fighting your thoughts, try to understand that this is how your mind operates. When you befriend your mind and let it be, meditation becomes easier. It doesn't make sense to spend time battling your mind. When you learn to coexist with it, meditation becomes more peaceful. It takes practice, but the more you accept your mind's workings, the less it distracts you during meditation.


 There are everyday methods for practicing meditation that are accessible to anyone, especially beginners. These techniques include deep breathing, body scanning, repeating a mantra, meditating while walking, engaging in prayer, reading and reflecting, and directing your love and kindness. Each of these approaches offers a simple and practical way to incorporate meditation into your daily life.

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